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Hello Loves,

     So let's just say I have been MIA.. I know I suck but I had so much going on since getting back from our little trip to Atlanta and I couldn't get my shit together.  I tried to post about my meditation practice and I just for some reason couldn't. But, what I did do is meditate myself. Meditation is something I try to make a multiple times a day practice. We all have busy lives and trying to cram in to much. I have one question for you though how do you calm down your busy mind and how do you find peace when you have so much going on?.... I'm no expert but I will always say meditation is what brings me peace.

    I listen to a lot of spiritual teachers especially when in the car. LOL Maybe its because I sit in a lot of traffic, but in all seriousness I listen for the messages and ways to help myself. I was listening to Gabby Bernstein the other day (she is one of my favorites) and she was discussing meditation and one thing I took away from her whole speech was "prayer is when we ask the questions and meditation is when we get the answers." I ask my guides, angles. spirits, whatever you want to call them to make sense to you, and I ask them to help guide me or I ask a certain question. I then go to my meditation to receive the answers. I always ask for a clear message or for guidance in whatever is going on in my life that I need help with.

     I want to go over some techniques that I use to help ground me and help me have my clear headedness. I have not tried some meditations not because I don't want to, trust I would love to try them all but I haven't because of either not being exposed to it or it just wasn't in alignment with me yet. I have read lots of books on different types of meditation and how to sit and what to do and so on. Listen, to me I feel like if you can clear your mind and sit still for 10-20 minutes once or twice a day it doesn't matter if you lye down or if you sit up your meditating and that's all that matters. One thing that I did take away from a book I read by Jose Silva was to close your eyes turn your eyes upward focus on the point between the eyes (your third eye), Drop your head chin towards your chest. This made a big difference for me in my mediation practice. I would say that I could, what I call connect to my higher self, my guides once I started practicing this. Even when I practiced yoga I could see a difference once I added this small tip into my savasana.

     Here is some my meditation techniques I like to do for myself.  One of the things I do think is important is your hand positions if your hands are flipped upwards then you are receiving energy if you are feeling out of sorts and need ground then flip your palms downwards to ground yourself. There are all different types of breathing techniques that you could do while in your meditation. I spoke about the kapalabhati breath the other day in my instagram videos. This is also known as the breath of fire or skull shinning. You breath in out through your nose like a panting dog. Your stomach does pop in and out quickly when you breath this breath of fire. There are countless benefits but some are cleansing of lungs and respiratory , detoxifying, strengthening abdominals, improve your mood, energizes and clears the mind, and helps with digestion. I find the best for this one is seated, you can have your palms in your lap or as I spoke about in my video hands above your head thumbs turned inward. When should you perform this type of meditation? One, in the mornings, two when your cold its helps to warm the body, three when you have that afternoon slump and need a pick me up.

    One of my favorite meditation techniques is my slow breathing pattern. I sit with either a guided meditation or just 432-528 hertz beats music on and take notice of my breathing. I try to see where I am tight and where by breathing is either short and shallow or long and smooth. I want my breath to go smooth and long both on the inhale and exhale. I do want my exhale to be longer than my inhale. I breath in for a count of 5 pause and then exhale for a count of 7. I want to exhale longer to slow down the brain chatter and the nervous system. Once I get my breath under control I try and let go of all thoughts if they come I notice them and then release them. I try and focus something like the hum of the a/c unit or a soft noise that's not distracting but that is something I can hold the thought of enough to release all other thoughts. For me the best to meditate this way is to lay down. If I sit when I meditate this way then I am more focused on my posture and small nuisances that I shouldn't be worrying about.

    Of course they're are so many other things you could add into your meditation practice like hand mudra's and other breathing patters and guided mediations but for today's post I just wanted to share my thought clearing meditation and my energizing meditation. In the past 8-9 years of meditating these two have been what works best for me, I do use other techniques but for today's post I just wanted to share these. I can truly say that meditation is probably one of the best I could have ever done for myself. If you don't have a daily meditation practice you should start one even if it's for 3 minutes. They say one breath is meditation so let that guide you and don't hold a stigmatism about how it should look or where you should be or an other thing you could come up with just start. Start it and let me know how you feel after one day or after 7 days or even after a month of practicing it let me know the changes you are feeling.

    The Light in Me, Honors the Light in You,


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