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Beauty Blender

So with it being the new year and wanting to start off with cleaning up, I decided to start with one of my most favorite hobbies makeup so today was the day to clean my beauty blenders. Some were just filthy. I wanted to share some of tips I like to do to really get these suckers clean. Blenders can be pricey and they can be used multiple times before they need to be replaced. Plus, I'm one of those gals who falls in love with a certain brush or blender and will try and use it till you can't use it anymore. What can I say I'm a creature of habit. You do want to clean these pretty frequently so as to not have build up not just for your makeup application, but also for bacteria which leads to face breakouts. 

Step 1:
 I make a concoction of olive oil and dawn dish detergent and rub my blenders in that mixture. I have tried getting the blenders wet first but I feel like starting with them dry rubbing in the mixture is better for cleaning the blenders. 
 Step 2:
 I then rinse and squeeze out the blenders until they go from this dark makeup covered to squeezing out clean water. From there I put the blenders in the microwavable cup filled with clean water and cook for 1:40 in microwave to sanitize them. I love sanitizing my makeup blenders and brushes makes me feel better but I also feel like they just apply better because all bacteria is cleaned out of them.
Step 3:

Once I let them sit for about 1 minute in a strainer in the sick I then use a paper towel or you could use a towel and squeeze them until they are no longer ringing out water. From there I put my blenders in an arcadic thing called a ice tray. LOL. My son said what are those when I pulled them out. But I wanted something where the blenders could stay a little more straight up while drying so they could dry evenly. You don't want the water to fall back to a spot and sit there it can brew up some nasty bacteria and also smell sour. Let sit and dry usually overnight and then you have nice clean blenders. If you do have a blender holder use that to let it dry in, but if not try and find something that can hold them more straight up and down. The tray on the right is the set of blenders from the first picture you can see they go back to there original bright color, its amazing how clean you can get them again.

****Disclaimer I am in no way an expert or doctor or scientist this is all just from my own research and I wanted to share. 


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